Friday, May 10, 2019

The Salem Witch Trials - How Did it Lead to a Less Religious Society Research Paper

The Salem Witch Trials - How Did it Lead to a slight Religious Society - Research Paper ExampleDuring the year of 1692, the Massachusetts Bay colony was deemed as an isolated but emerging puritan community in the wilderness of North America. The population in the area was significantly scattered. People inhibiting the isolated communities of the Salem village, were efficiently threatened due to the wild animals bear there, and also the frequent attacks by the Native Americans. The most essential and interesting scenario of the Salem community was the phantasmal beliefs and aspects of the members of the community. The vulnerable personality of the puritans inhibiting in the Salem village was deeply due to their religious beliefs, methods, and practices. The fundamentals of the puritans worried on the fact that everything was in the hand of the almighty (Wilson, 7). It is god who determines the good fortune and prosperous health of a human being. Salvation was a gift from god. The puritans practice of worship include worship services, devotion, prayer, and self examination to achieve the blessings of the almighty. The puritans also effectively believed in the fact that god permitted deuce to relieve oneself temptation and torment the ones who deviated from the path of righteousness and acted immorally or those whose faith the almighty valued to test (Wilson, 7). It was believed that the people who failed to follow the path of righteousness was subjected to misfortune, sickness, and endured with a prominent period of grief. It is also to be notified that the puritans had the belief that a Satan might also enter a persons keep in the form of a witch. This was very much prominent in the era of Salems witch trial, which was also a significant cause of the evolution of the American civil society (Wilson, 7-8) The dissertation acknowledges the fact, Salem Witch Trials was a significant factor of the evolution of American civil society. Separation of perform & State, and a breakdown of the strict puritan codes led to a less religious society, improving the arbitrator system which later allowed for fair trials. It is essentially problematic to actually ascertain the fact about what had occurred in Salem during the year of 1962, but a majority of historian and scholarly sources suggest that the Salems witch trial originated due to a particular incident. A group girls from the Salem village was diagnosed with uncertain fits, followed by hysterical reactions, laughter and crying which was not intentionally provoked, incoherent babbling, attempts to fly, and also in about cases a hypnotic trance. The thing that preceded these incidents of bizarre fits were presumably a secret enchanting session with a woman named Tituba, a salve of the Indian origin from the Caribbean What preceded these bizarre fits apparently were secret enchanting, during which the woman Tituba, attended by several girls from the village practiced folk magic in order to predict the nature and identity of their husband before they are married. When the girls were diagnosed by the local doctor, no effective physical cause was found for such bizarre behavior. Due to the attitude and beliefs of that era, it was concluded as no logical business relationship could be concluded, then there has to be a disturbing influence of the Satan. Due to the fact that dickens of them were from the house of a local minister, reverend Parris, he subsequently called the ministers from

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