Monday, May 20, 2019

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Essay

Many pot believe that A hale consistence makes a sanitary question. I hesitate on the word make Assuming a intelligent mind means some(a)thing like integrity, happiness and optimistic attitude, I believe that people who rent a goodish embody usually also have a healthy mind, but a healthy body is not necessarily for a healthy mind. The players in professional sports leagues are probably the most physically healthy people in the world however its not uncommon to hear parole of their troubles, such as crimes or family violences. A healthy body shares some common causes with a healthy mind. The process of pursuing a healthy body requires good discipline. Its easy to exercise for angiotensin converting enzyme day, but one must endeavor to keep exercising to stay in a physically healthy condition. Long distance running is a well known way of having a healthy body.To prepare to run a full marathon, one has to repeat many moderate or big distance running practices. Its such a painful process that one likely to award up if he/she doesnt have strong go away power. If a person has such will power, its no surprise that this person faeces be successful at other things. A person achieves many life goals is likely to have a healthy mind. A healthy body can be a factor of a healthy mind physically healthy people usually have more energy to guide on things they care about, therefore have a better chance to enjoy their lives. In contrast, physically unhealthy people may be disturbed by their health issues. Their concerns can distract them from doing things that would make them happy.A scientific study also time-tested to discover the secret relation between exercise and the mind. Scientists found a chemical substance called endorphins 1, which can be reproduced by human body during exercise, excitement, spicy food tasting, etc. It can interact with some other substances in the human body to generate a feeling of well-being. A well-known assemble of endorphi ns is runners high, which is said to occur when people exercise so strenuously that their bodies reach the threshold of endorphin release.Scientists are serene not sure of the amount of endorphins the human body can generate or how much it impacts a humans mind. But at least most of the running enthusiasts I know are all very nice people. The ex-Google VP, the founder of Google China, a role model of many Chinese newborn students and entrepreneurs, Kaifu Lee, was recently diagnosed with cancer. He said he should have spent less time on work and more time on doing things that would have kept him healthy, especially sufficient sleep and exercise. This tells us that at the end of the day, fame and wealthy will not make people happy if they dont have a healthy body. We should get away from the chair and the computer some time everyday to exercise. It talent not make us better people, but itll make us lead longer and happier life.

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